September 1st 2022


Tel: 07891 743191

Councillors are summoned to attend a Meeting of Scotton Parish Council to be held at Scotton Village Hall, Northorpe Road, Scotton DN21 3RB on Thursday 1st  September 2022 at 6.00pm.

                                                                                                 Leticia Cooper

26th August 2022                                                                     Signed: Clerk to the Council

Public Questions Time (15 minutes)

Members of the public are invited to speak during the public session. The Council is not required to give an immediate answer to a question or debate it at the meeting. Once the meeting has begun, members of the public are welcome to remain but may not participate further. There are occasions when the public and press may be excluded from a meeting due to the confidential nature of the business to be discussed.

The business to be dealt with at the meeting is listed in the agenda.

Reports from County and District Councillors, or representatives from outside bodies and the Police may be given during this time.

Masks are encouraged - Please do not attend; if you have a diagnosis of coronavirus and are self-isolating; have been in contact with a confirmed case and test positive; if you are showing symptoms of a new cough, a new onset of shortness of breath, or had a fever within the last 48 hours.


1) Chairman’s opening remarks and start of public session. (15 minutes)
Any reports from Councillors or the Police will be heard after the public session.

2) To receive apologies and hear reasons for absence
a) To consider retrospective approval for Cllr. A. Ramsay’s absence at the meeting in July due to unavoidable circumstances

3)  Disclosure of interests in accordance with the Localism Act 2011 and to consider any requests for dispensation.
Disclosures may be made at any point in the meeting and a Councillor may leave the meeting or be asked to leave if dispensation has not been granted or if would be deemed prejudicial to proceedings.

a) To consider dispensation for Cllr. R. Littlewood to remain in the meeting during discussion of item 5; to hear discussion but not to have any part in the vote.

4) To receive and approve the notes of the Parish Council meeting on 7th July 2022

5) Eastgate development

a) Naming of path at the Eastgate build; to consider recommendations and consider any actions
b) To consider and discuss advice received from LALC

6) Co-option – To note updates and consider any actions

7) Finance

a) To approve expenditure for August and September 2022
b) To note budget against spending reports
(All financial paperwork available for scrutiny)
c) To approve bank reconciliation

8) Training
i)  To consider training options and approve any training
ii) To allow clerk to pre-order latest book update of ‘Arnold-Baker Local Council Administration’

9) Village amenities
a) Community Orchard

i) To hear any updates about the Community Orchard
ii) Update on meeting with James Pinchbeck
iii) To plan, consider and agree any actions for work at the Community Orchard over the autumn and winter
b) Recreation Wood
To discuss installation of an information sign into the wood with a third-party disclaimer and to consider any wording
c) To discuss response from Forestry Commission and consider any actions
d) Field Allotments
– To hear any updates

10) Queen’s Jubilee Benches Project
a) To hear a progress report on the project.
b) To note the budget against spending report.
c) To consider projected costs to complete project against remaining budget and agree any actions.

11) Zero Carbon Project
To consider the information received and discuss projects within the village which could be used to offset the Parish’s carbon footprint

12) Jubilee Tree - Replacement of the plaque
a) To receive an update from LCC Highways regarding siting of an information board
b) To further consider a competition and possible prizes.
c) To discuss a budget and consider any actions

13) To hear any updates about the refurbishment of the book kiosk and agree any actions

14) To hear any reports from the Village Hall Management Committee – Cllr. S. Walker

15) Planning
a) To approve the notes of the Planning meeting held on 21st July 2022
b) Decisions pending

  • 144232 Land south of Eastgate Scotton DN21 3QR
    Comments sent 11.04.22 – still open for comments
  • 145041 – Land of Scotter Road, Scotton DN21 3QU145130 – The Orchard, Gainsborough Road, Scotter Common DN21 3JF
    Permission granted without conditions 01/08/22Planning | West Lindsey District Council (

16) Parish Councillors’ Reports – Information only
Councillors’ reports and items for inclusion on the next agenda. Councillors may use this opportunity to report minor matters of information not included elsewhere on the agenda and to raise items for future agendas. Decisions may not be made in this part of the meeting.

17) Date of next meeting  
6th October at 6pm



Leticia Cooper
Clerk & Responsible Financial Officer
Scotton Parish Council                                                        26th August 2022