March 4 - Annual Parish Meeting or Assembly


In attendance: Ron Walker, (Chairman - Scotton Parish Council), Leticia Cooper (Clerk & RFO)

Guest speakers: PCSO Bill Thomas (Gainsborough Rural North Policing Team), Mr. M. Schofield – Scotton Village Hall

There were six members of the public.

The chairman, Ron Walker opened the Annual Parish meeting and welcomed everyone to the virtual meeting, which this year was being held via Zoom due to the ongoing Covid pandemic.

Apologies were received from Rev. D. Langford, The Luddington Trust

The notes of the Annual Parish Meeting 4th March 2021 were approved and signed as a correct record.

The chairman read out the Annual Report for the Parish Council. In summary, it was reported that it had been difficult to meet as before, but the Council had held outdoor meetings when it was possible and began meeting virtually, when all social gatherings could not be held, in line with government regulations. Cllr. Walker thanked all members of the Parish Council for their hard work and support throughout the year, and in closing comments stated,

“ I would like to say we live in a truly wonderful village where, during the past year, we have got together to support each other, and it has been a privilege to represent you.” 

PC Bill Thomas spoke broadly about rural crime and the difficulties with dealing with incidences that crossed County borders like hare coursing and shooting of foxes, which could span both Lincolnshire and Nottinghamshire. There was a general discussion about reported incidences in Scotton, which included agricultural thefts, hare-coursing, criminal damage, and domestic violence. However, PC Thomas was keen to point out that crime figures for the village remained low.

Reports from Local Organisations:
The Village Hall
Mr. M. Schofield gave an annual report for the Village Hall, he indicated that due to the pandemic, the hall had been little used and remained closed until government restrictions were lifted. The Village Hall had applied for grant relief from the government and had been successful, which would help offset continuing costs. There were plans to develop the play area further by possibly investing in a zip line. The Committee were looking for new members to join the committee and would be happy to hear from any residents interested in joining. In closing, Mr Schofield thanked the Parish Council for its support.

The Luddington Trust
In the absence of Rev. Langford, Cllr. R. Walker read out a brief report on behalf of the Luddington Trust. Bev Hill was put forward for re-election and duly re-elected by those registered electors present.

There were no other reports to be heard, and the chairman opened the floor to all residents to ask any questions or to raise any issues affecting the village.

  • Concerns about drainage within the village were raised and discussed.

The chairman closed the meeting at 6.20pm, thanking all residents and guest speakers for attending.