February 2021
Present: Councillors R. Walker (Chairman), R. Littlewood (Vice-chairman), P. Kulleseid, J. Robinson, A. Robinson, R. Ramsay, and A. Ramsay
In attendance: Cllr. C. Perraton-Williams, Cllr. Mrs L. Rolling, Leticia Cooper (Clerk/RFO) and 1 member of the public
Cllr. Perraton-Williams gave a brief report about the work completed on Westgate. It was noted that a section had been missed. This was noted and would be brought up at the next meeting with the Highways department. There was nothing further to report and Cllr. Perraton-Williams gave apologies and left the meeting at 6.03pm.
A resident had asked whether an additional dog waste bin could be situated along Church Lane. Councillors were asked to check the availability of dog bins near and around nearby streets to see what bins where already in place. To be reviewed at the next meeting.
A resident asked for a progress report about what was being done to keep the Beck flowing. This was deferred for discussion until agenda item 9b.
Cllr. Mrs Rollings spoke about the 20’s Plenty Campaign and encouraged Councillor’s to attend a Zoom meeting later in the week to learn more about it. The clerk was asked to forward information to all Councillors. A brief report was given about further efforts to arrange a site visit with concerned parties to discuss the issues of waterflow in the Beck and to find solutions. This was to be discussed, in greater detail, later in the meeting.
[Cllr. Mrs Rollings gave apologies and left the meeting at 6.21pm]
106/21 Chairman’s welcoming remarks
The chairman welcomed everyone to the meeting.
107/21 To receive apologies and reasons given
There were none.
108/21 Disclosure of interests in accordance with the Localism Act 2011 and to consider any requests for dispensation
There were none.
109/21 To receive and approve the notes of the Parish meeting on 2nd January 2021
It was RESOLVED that notes be approved as a correct record and signed as Minutes.
110/21 Clerk’s Report
- · The authorised precept form for 2021-22 has been sent to West Lindsey District Council.
- · The Citizen’s Advice Bureau had been advised of the council’s decision and an acknowledgement received.
- · The clerk attended an information webinar regarding the census taking place on 21st March 2021. Information for residents would be posted on the parish’s website and Facebook pages.
111/21 To approve amendments to the Village Maintenance agreement policy
Unanimously RESOLVED to approve amendments to the policy.
112/21 Finance matters
a) To note General Finance report for February 2021
The report was noted.
b) To receive and approve expenditure for February 2021
Unanimously RESOLVED to receive and approve budgeted expenditure for February 2021.
c) To RESOLVE to approve virement of emergency funds from the current account to ear-marked reserves in the savings account
It was RESOLVED to approve virement of funds from the current account to the savings deposit.
d) To appoint Christine Sylvester for the Annual Internal Audit 2020-21
Unanimously RESOLVED to appoint C. Sylvester for the annual internal audit.
113/21 Allotment matters
a) To hear any update on the response to advertisement of the vacant allotment plot
There had been two enquiries following advertisement on Nextdoor. One from outside the parish and one from a resident of the parish. The clerk had written to the local resident enclosing a map with further details of the plot and encouraging them to visit the site. No response had been received to date.
b) To consider action should the allotment plot remain vacant
Following the advertisement of the vacant allotment residents had expressed interest in the idea of creating a community orchard.
c) To consider what work may be needed to make it fit for purpose
It was suggested that once the weather improved, a survey should be done of the land to ascertain its current state and which areas could be used to create an orchard. Once a survey had been completed it would be easier to see what work might be needed. It was agreed that it was important to encourage community engagement and residents should be encouraged to take part in the development of the project.
To be returned to the agenda later in the Spring.
d) To consider re-election of allotment wardens for 2021-22 at the Annual Meeting of the Council in May
Cllr. R. Ramsay to ask current wardens if they would like to continue as Wardens.
114/21 Environmental Matters
a) To hear any update on work to the Jubilee tree and choose oak replacement
Cllr. R. Ramsay reported that since the last meeting Lincolnshire County Council (LCC) had tagged the tree and claimed ownership. Work to fell the tree has been postponed pending talks with LCC. It was noted that if LCC claimed ownership of the tree, all costs to remove and replace the tree may no longer be the responsibility of the Parish Council. A survey had indicated the tree was diseased and dying, therefore, possibly unstable. Cllr. Ramsay will contact LCC to discuss matter further. In the meanwhile, a replacement tree had been found, although tree stocks are low nationally.
Cllr. Ramsay will keep the Council updated with any further progress.
b) To hear an update on contact with Cllr. P. Woods from Scotter Parish Council
Cllr. R. Ramsay had spoken to Cllr. Woods and discussed the issue of water flow into the Beck. The current situation is that much of the land is saturated with water and springs had begun to appear. Scotter Parish Council had asked the Environment Agency (EA) to dredge sections of the Beck to improve the flow of water into the river Eau. However, the EA stated that it was against government policy to dredge and declined. Scotter Parish Council with the assistance of Cllr. Mrs Rollings are arranging a site visit with the local drainage board and representatives from the EA. Cllr. Ramsay offered to attend any meetings arranged with the drainage board and the EA.
c) Update on Speed Indicator Device grant applications
Grant applications had been sent to Cllrs. Snee, Clews and Mrs Rollings.
Cllr. Snee had supported the application and sent it to the Funding Officer at WLDC for authorisation. Cllr. Clews and Mrs Rollings were keen to involve parishes in the 20’s Plenty Campaign. Cllr. J. Robinson, lead Councillor in the project expressed interest in attending the Zoom meeting.
d) To hear any updates from WLDC regarding dog fouling in the village
The Clerk had written to WLDC but had not received a response. Clerk to follow this up.
e) Internet Connectivity in the Village
Discussion began with the actions nearby Northorpe Village were making to improve internet connectivity in the village. The project could be expensive for Northorpe residents who were expected to contribute towards the scheme, which was part funded by the government. It was generally agreed connections in the village were adequate and any improvements could prove costly to Scotton residents. The Council would keep updated with the developments in Northorpe.
f) Location of grit bins
The clerk had reported the grit bins that needed filling on the High St. and on Westgate via Fix my street. Reports had been received that these had been filled. Councillors will check if these are adequately filled when passing in the village and report back to the Council at the next meeting.
115/21 Highway matters – Footpaths and walkways
a) To hear any update on the reported degeneration of the footpath from the Three Horseshoes towards Westgate
This was mentioned briefly by Cllr. Perraton-Williams during public question time. There was general agreement that more should be done to improve the footpath along this stretch. Councillors will continue to monitor the situation.
b) To discuss the unadopted path from Northorpe to Scotton
The issue of the unadopted path from Northorpe to Scotton was raised by Cllr. A. McGovern of Northorpe Parish Council. They are seeking support from residents in Scotton for the adoption of this route as a ‘lost’ public right of way. The proposal and OS maps were circulated before the meeting. Councillors agreed it would be a good circular walk connecting the villages and RESOLVED to support the endeavour. It was suggested that the route could have been missed when the definitive map was drawn up in the mid 1980’s. It may also have been an unofficial route used by hired labourers and residents in neighbouring villages.
Cllr. R. Ramsay to research if the route was historically used by residents as a public right of way.
Cllr. R. Walker would contact Cllr. McGovern to obtain copies of the forms for Scotton residents to complete, in support of the route.
c) Any other footpaths or walkway matters
A resident had contacted the Council to ask if the public footpath from Scotton to Scotter could be extended. There was a brief discussion and the main difficulty with the proposal was that the land was owned by at least 5 different landowners, who would need to agree. It was RESOLVED not to pursue this for the present time. The clerk will write to the resident to advise.
116/21 Annual Parish Meeting
a) To discuss any updates or raise any relevant matters
The Luddington Trust had been invited to the meeting. Mark Scofield from the Village Hall Committee had offered to come and speak.
117/21 Councillors Reports
It was raised that several signs in the village were showing wear and tear and that the Crapple Lane sign had been damaged. The Clerk advised that WLDC was responsible for repairing and replacing road signs in the village. Cllr. J. Robinson to draw up a list of signs that need attention and forward to the clerk, who will report it to WLDC.
118/21 Date of the next meeting of the Parish Council
4th March 2021 at 7pm following the Annual Parish meeting at 6pm.
The meeting ended at 7.15pm.
There being no further business the meeting ended at 7.15pm.