January 2021



Present: Councillors R. Walker (Chairman), R. Littlewood (Vice-chairman), P. Kulleseid, J. Robinson, A. Robinson, R. Ramsay, and A. Ramsay

In attendance: Mrs Cooper and 1 member of the public

There were no questions during the public forum.

91/21 Chairman’s welcoming remarks
The chairman welcomed everyone to the meeting.
92/21 To receive apologies and reasons given
There were none.
93/21 Disclosure of interests in accordance with the Localism Act 2011 and to consider any requests for dispensation
Cllr. Walker declared a non-pecuniary interest stating that his spouse had recently volunteered as the bookings clerk for Scotton Village hall.
a) To consider Cllr. Walker’s request for dispensation on matters relating to the Village hall.
It was unanimously RESOLVED to award Cllr. Walker dispensation to participate in discussions and vote on matters relating to the Village hall.
94/21       To receive and approve the notes of the Parish meeting on 19th November 2020
It was RESOLVED that notes be approved as a correct record and signed as minutes with the amendment of 89/20 Future Amendment Items to read ‘state of footpath from Westgate to the Three Horseshoes.’
95/21 To approve the following policies
a) Financial Regulations 2021-22
b) Asset Management Register 2021-22
c) Risk Assessment Policy 2021-22
d) Reserves Policy 2021-22
e) Complaints procedure 2021-22
f) Village Maintenance Agreement and schedule of work 2021-22
g) Model Publication Scheme 2021-22
It was RESOLVED to approve all policies without amendment apart from policy F.
Amendments to policy F were put forward.  To be returned for approval at the next meeting of the parish council.
96/21 Budget and Precept 2021
a) To discuss and approve the amended final budget.
It was RESOLVED to approve the amended final budget.
b) To discuss and approve the final precept demand for 2021-22
It was RESOLVED to approve the final precept demand for 2021-22.  The Chairman, two Councillors and the Clerk will sign the form to be returned to West Lindsey District Council by 29th January 2021.
97/21 Grant Matters
a) Update on awarded grants
Scotton Parochial Church Council (SPCC) and the Village Hall had been advised of their successful grant applications which would be paid at the beginning of the next financial year.  A letter of thanks had been received from SPCC and circulated to all Councillors.
b) To consider grant request from the Citizen’s Advice Bureau
It was RESOLVED not to award a grant to the Citizen’s Advice Bureau (CAB) on this occasion.  Clerk to notify CAB.
98/21 Finance Matters
a) To receive and approve income and expenditure for December 2020 and January 2021
It was RESOLVED to receive and approve income and expenditure for December 2020 and January 2021.
b) To consider Village Maintenance budget and agree any action until year end
The Clerk reported the Village Maintenance fund was still in budget.  After a brief discussion, it was agreed there was no need for immediate action.  The Clerk was requested to monitor the budget closely and authorised to request the contractor to stop work before the end of the financial year, if the budget would be exceeded.
99/21 Planning Matters
a) To note all decisions made by WLDC since the previous meeting
i  141637 - Land off Middle street, Scotton DN21 3RA                                             
Objected/comments sent
Outline planning permission to erect 1no. bungalow with access and layout to be considered and not reserved for subsequent applications – resubmission of 140488
Decision: Refused
ii)  141940 – Application for non-material amendment to planning permission 140918 granted May 2020. Changes to garage, bedroom and balcony including alterations to roof and additional glazing
Decision: Granted no conditions
iii) 142004 – Request for confirmation of compliance with condition 5 and 7 of planning permission  139520 granted January 2020.
Decision: Condition discharge partially
There was a brief discussion and decisions were noted.
100/21  Allotment Matters
a) To consider options for the vacant allotment site with due consideration of allotment law
It was noted that some of the allotment lands had become overgrown and were returning to nature, this included the recently vacated allotment plot. 
The land was currently too wet to work on.  Various ideas were suggested for the unused allotment land; the planning of trees and ‘sponsor a tree’ scheme, to transform it into a community garden with an orchard or to be used as a paddock.  Cllr. Ramsay suggested that in the coming year residents of the village could be asked if they would like to participate in the creation of a community garden or to ask if they had ideas for the land.
It was RESOLVED to advertise the vacant plot, int the first instance, to see if there was any interest from residents. 
b) Any other allotment matters
Vehicle marks were found on the track leading to the allotments and there was concern that open access to the area could encourage unauthorised access or fly tipping.  It was agreed to monitor the area closely.  
101/21  Environmental Matters
a) To consider the quotes received for emergency work on Jubilee tree and approve a quote
It was RESOLVED to accept the quote from Countryside Services to remove the dying tree.  Cllr. Ramsay would arrange for the contractor to begin the work.  Quotes would be obtained for a replacement tree and a plaque could be placed on site when work was completed. 
b) To resolve to move funds from reserves to pay for work on the Jubilee tree
Remaining precept had been checked and it would not be immediately necessary to move funds from reserves to finance the work.  The clerk would report back if this changed.
c) Update on correspondence with Scotter Parish Council regarding drainage work and to discuss recommendations
The clerk’s report was noted.  It was considered advantageous to keep up to date with work Scotter Parish Council may be making on drainage work or clearance of the Beck.  Furthermore, joint work with Scotter PC might prove beneficial to both villages in terms of mitigating costs and could be an option in the future.  For the present Cllr. Ramsay would contact Mr Wood to discuss the Beck and drainage matters and report back to the Council.
d) Update on speed indicator signs and funding from District Councillors
Cllr. Robinson had obtained information to apply for funding from the Councillor’s Initiative Fund.  It would be possible to apply for funding from all three District Councillors.  The clerk would complete the grant applications and send to District Councillors.
e) Dog fouling in the village  
The incidence of dog fouling had appeared to become worse during lockdown.  It was suggested that people from outside the area could be exacerbating the problem.  It was noted that people found to be walking a dog without waste bags could be fined.  Clerk to contact West Lindsey District Council to enquire if training were available for residents wishing to become dog wardens and what further action could be taken to remedy the situation.
f) Footpath degeneration from top of Westgate to the Three Horseshoes
Cllr. Walker had written to Cllr. C. Perraton-Williams about concerns but had not received a reply.  Clerk to follow up and report on Fix My Street.
102/21 Annual Parish Meeting
a) To discuss preparations for the meeting
Cllr. Walker would begin preparing the Chairman’s report for the meeting.  Local groups who would normally report on activities at the meeting had largely been  unable to meet.  The Village Hall had remained closed for much of the time since the first lockdown in March 2020.  It was uncertain if groups would wish to present this year.  The Luddington Trust traditionally appointed officers to their committee during the Annual Parish Meeting and presented an update of the charity’s work.  The clerk was asked to contact the Luddington Trust to enquire if they would like to attend this year.
103/21 To note and approve meeting dates with amendment for face-to-face meetings if allowed in 2021-22
The amendments were noted and it was RESOLVED to approve the meeting dates.
104/21 Future agenda items
To check the levels in grit bins and report those needing top ups.
Historical interest – the remains of an Anglo-Saxon village has been uncovered west of the village and behind the allotments.  Roman coins had also been discovered previously.
105/21 Date of next meeting of the Parish Council
The date of the next meeting would be via Zoom on 4th February 2021.

There being no further business the meeting ended at 7.02pm.