April 2021


Present: Councillors R. Walker (Chairman), R. Littlewood (Vice-chairman), P. Kulleseid, J. Robinson, A. Robinson, R. Ramsay, and A. Ramsay

In attendance: Leticia Cooper (Clerk & RFO)

There were no members of the public present and the meeting began at 18:02

 >1/04/21 Chairman’s welcoming remarks
The chairman welcomed everyone to the meeting.
>2/04/21 To receive apologies and reasons given
There were none.
>3/04/21  Disclosure of interests in accordance with the Localism Act 2011 and to consider any requests for dispensation
There were none.
>4/04//21 To receive and approve the notes of the Parish meeting on 4th March 2021
It was RESOLVED unanimously that notes be approved as a correct record and signed as Minutes.
>5/04/21 Clerk’s Report
The Council meeting in May each year must by law elect or re-elect the Chairperson and Vice-chairperson.  Legislation allowed for this to be postponed last year, due to Covid-19.  The clerk explained the procedure and asked Councillors to consider the matter prior to the meeting and asked those who wished to stand to notify the clerk, a week prior to the meeting.
>6/04/21 Finance matters
a) 2020-21

1)To note income & expenditure for the year 2020-2021
The report was noted.
2) To resolve to certify the Council as EXEMPT from a limited assurance review due to qualifying as a smaller authority with neither income nor expenditure of £25,000 for the Annual Government Audit 2020-21
It was RESOLVED unanimously to certify the Council as EXEMPT for the year 2020-21.
b) 2021-22
1)To adjust budget for 2021-22 to allow monthly payment distribution of period 13
(Revised budget schedule circulated prior to meeting)

Spreading period 13 payments evenly throughout the financial year would remove the need to make a large payment at the end of the year.  It was RESOLVED to adjust the budget to spread payments evenly into 12 payment periods.
2) To receive income and approve payments for April 2021.
The precept for 2021-22 had been received.  It was RESOLVED to approve the following payments:

  • LALC Annual Subscription - £223.25
  • Clerk’s salary for April  £265.20
  • Clerk’s expenses £3.53
  • Clive Williams Village Maintenance £100.00

3) To approve payment of ratified grants on receipt of precept for 2021-22
It was RESOLVED to approve payment of the following grants:

  • Scotton Parochial Church Council £900.00
  • Scotton Village Hall £1,600.00

>7/04/21 To consider government legislation allowing virtual meetings
a) General update on legislation and the legal challenge of the refusal to extend virtual meetings and consideration arising from a successful or unsuccessful decision
The government had not extended permission to allow virtual meetings to continue beyond 7th May 2021.  A legal challenge had been made and would be heard towards the latter half of April.  The following proposals were suggested.
1) Should the legal challenge from Hertfordshire County Council, Lawyers in local government and Association of Democratic Services be successful, the annual meeting of Council be held remotely at a time and date to be arranged.
This would require renewal of the Council’s Zoom subscription expiring on 22nd April.
2) Should the legal challenge be unsuccessful, the annual meeting of Council will be held in a venue to be arranged, on a date to be arranged between 17th – 21st May.
Venues would need to be compliant with Covid safety guidelines or alternatively it could be held outdoors.

  • It was RESOLVED that if the legal challenge succeeded to continue meeting remotely and renew the Council’s subsidised Zoom subscription obtained through Lincs. Association of Local Councils (LALC).
  • If the legal challenge was unsuccessful it was RESOLVED to arrange a meeting between 17th – 21st May.  The clerk advised that the Council was booked into the Village Hall on 20th May (should the Village Hall re-open within that time frame).  Alternatively, if the Village Hall could not re-open or could not be Covid secure, an outdoor meeting in the village car park would be arranged.

>8/04/21 Scotton Neighbourhood Plan
a) To discuss the pending referendum and any other considerations arisingNotice of the referendum had been received from West Lindsey District Council (WLDC).  Posters had been placed on the noticeboards, the Parish Council website and Facebook page.

>9/04/21 Allotment matters
a) To hear any update on the Recreation Ground
There were no further updates.
b) To receive any update on the bench replacement
Examples of benches created from recycled materials were circulated prior to the meeting.  Research was ongoing with nothing further to report.  It was noted that the bench on the Kirton Road needed replacing.  Following discussion, it was agreed to ask David Small (who had renovated another bench in the village) if it would be cost effective to renovate and if so to obtain a quote.
Cllr. Walker to make enquiries with Mr. Small.
c) Any other general allotment matter
There were none.

>10/04/21  Environmental Matters
a) To hear any updates on the Jubilee tree
Lincolnshire County Council (LCC) had surveyed the Jubilee Tree and found it to be dying.  This concurred with the findings of the survey carried out by the Parish Council.  The area where the tree stood was an adopted Highway, which meant it had become the responsibility of LCC to maintain and manage.  It would be possible to apply for a licence to cultivate, which would allow the Parish Council to take responsibility for maintenance, however, this would be at a further cost to the village and LCC would be better placed to identify services and any piping underneath the Highway that could affect continued maintenance. 
The tree officer at LCC had made a few suggestions for its replacement that would be more disease resistant and fit into the character of the area.  It was agreed that the suggested Red Oak would be unsuitable for the location but the alternatives such as the Indian Chestnut would be stronger and less susceptible to disease and should introduce colour to the area.  It was RESOLVED not to seek a licence to cultivate and allow LCC to continue maintaining the area.
Clerk to send the list of suggested trees given by Richard Littlewood at LCC to all Councillors and seek details of when the Jubilee tree would be removed and the replacement re-planted.
b) To consider any updates on the formation of a Beck pressure group with neighbouring parishes and the name suggested for the group ‘Eau Valley Forum’
Cllr. Walker had been liaising with Scotter and Northorpe Parish Councils.  Both Councils had expressed interest in joining the Beck pressure group.  Scotter was in the process of electing members to its Council and would need to finish this before proceeding further.  Cllr. Littlewood had circulated a response to his letter to Sir E. Leigh about the matter, containing a detailed response from the Environment Agency.
Cllr. Walker to continue liaising with Scotter and Northorpe Parish Councils with the aim of forming the group later in the year.
c)To discuss the 20’s Plenty campaign
Cllr J. Robinson explained that the £4,000 cost of the scheme could be split with other villages reducing the overall costs for each village.  However, a co-ordinator for Lincolnshire would need to be found.  It was suggested approaching Cllr. Rollings to ask if she might be interested in becoming the co-ordinator (should she be re-elected in the May elections).  The scheme would need the support of residents to be affective.  Going forward, it was suggested that residents could be asked if they would be willing to support the scheme by advertising the 20’s Plenty Campaign and allowing visible signs about the scheme to be placed in their gardens. 
Cllr. J Robinson to enquire how many signs could be obtained and ask villagers in strategic locations (entering and exiting the village) if they would like to become involved.   
d) To discuss planting verges with wildflowers and identify possible locations
All agreed a wildflower verge would enhance the village for residents, but further research was needed to achieve a good result.  An appropriate verge would need to be chosen.  Cllr. A. Robinson briefly described how the verge would need to be prepared to enable the seeds to flourish and the seed bank to establish itself.  It was suggested that seed bombs could be sown as a trial.
It was RESOLVED to obtain seed bombs.
e) Dog fouling in the village
A5 stickers had been placed in strategic locations in the village but the situation had not improved.  There was nothing further to report.
f) To hear a report on the levels of grit in bins and consider if further action is needed
The grit bins were checked but did not appear to have been refilled.  It was agreed to return this item for discussion later in the year.
g) To discuss the village name signs

  • The village name signs were becoming worn, and consideration could be given to replacing them.  Clerk to enquire with West Lindsey if permission to replace them is required.
  • Recreation Area: The sign leading into the wooded area indicating ‘No motorbikes / No horses’ had gone missing.

Cllr R Walker to obtain quotes for two replacement signs at either end of the track to ensure signage is consistent.

>11/04/21 Planning matters
a) Planning applications approved
1) 142258 – Laughton Croft Nursing Home, Scotton Rd, Scotton Common DN21 3JF

Granted time limit and conditions 24.03.21
2)142387 – Plot 9 Lane south of Eastgate Scotton DN21 3QR
Non-material amendment to planning permission 140545 granted 18th June 2020.
Amendment to window arrangement.
b) Planning applications awaiting decision
1)142373 – Noor House, Gainsborough Rd, Scotton Common DN21 3JF
Parish Council comments sent 11.03.21.
2) 142533 – Bleak Farm
Parish Council objection and comments sent 18.03.21.
c) Appeals
1) 141637 – Land off Middle St., Scotton DN21 3RA
Appeal submitted 22.02.21
Parish Council objection and comments sent to Planning Inspectorate 11.03.21 and copied to West Lindsey.

>12/04/21 Councillors Reports
There were none.

>13/04/21 Date of the next meeting of the Parish Council
To be confirmed in conjunction with consideration of the government’s easing of Covid-19 restrictions and legislation allowing virtual meeting.

There being no further business the meeting ended at 18:46