June 6th 2024 Minutes
Present: Councillors R. Walker, S. Walker, H. Alexander, and Y. Huddleston
In attendance: Leticia Cooper - Clerk & RFO, and two members of the public
Item 39a/6/24 Chair’s opening remarks
All were welcomed to the meeting. Members of the public were invited to speak.
Item 39b/6/24 Public session
• Concerns were raised about overgrown sections of PROWs. Chair
advised that LCC only cut twice a year due to budgetary constraints.
Clerk will enquire when next cuts are scheduled.
• Rotten fencing along Scotter Road. Matter will be reported to Highways
via Fix My Street Lincolnshire.
• Concerns about the Village Hall’s finances. This is reported further in
Village Hall updates.
Item 40/6/24 To hear reports from County or District Councillors
There were none. Cllr. Carless sent apologies.
Item 41/6/24 To hear apologies and accept reasons for absence
It was voted upon and unanimously RESOLVED to receive and accept apologies
from Cllr. Dr. Johnson.
Item 42/6/24 To receive any declarations of interest in accordance with the
Localism Act 2011 and to consider any requests for dispensation
There were none.
Item 43/6/24 To receive and approve notes of meeting held 3rd May 2024
The council voted upon and unanimously RESOLVED to accept the notes of 3rd May
2024 as a correct record and signed as minutes.
Item 44/6/24 Finance
a. The Council noted the financial budgets and expenditure report, including an up
to-date banking statement for all bank accounts.
b. To consider and approve payments and expenses: -
• Clerk’s salary - June 2024 £397.80- Clerks Mileage £39.15
• Fair Gardens Plants £22.46 -Chairs Award Amazon Gift Voucher £50
• Grass cutting May – Mr. C. Williams £240.00
• Internal Audit fee Mrs. C. Sylvester £20.00
• LALC Emergency Planning Training £30.00
Item 45/6/24 Annual Governance Accountability Return 2023-24 – PKF Littlejohn
a. The Annual Internal Audit was received and noted. Clerk advised Council that the Internal Auditor would be stepping down this year. Page11 b. Council considered and affirmed the statements in Section 1 of the Annual Governance statement. c. Section 2 of the Annual Governance statement was received. The Council certified itself as EXEMPT from a limited assurance review under Section 9 Local Audit (Smaller Authorities) Regulations 2016. Following consideration it was RESOLVED to accept the AGAR Return figures for 2023-24 and sign all parts.
Item 46/6/24 Chairperson’s allowance Council discussed nominees who had consistently worked to improve or support a Community ethos in the previous year. The two nominees put forward to receive a voucher of £25.00 each would be contacted. It was agreed to invite them to the next meeting, but vouchers would be hand delivered if nominees were unable to attend. It was voted upon and unanimously RESOLVED to accept the two names put forward and to delegate purchase of vouchers to Cllr. R. Walker. ACTION: Cllr. R. Walker to forward expenses invoice to clerk with names of nominees, reason for nomination and receipts of any purchases for reimbursement and transparency to inform the audit trail.
Item 47/6/24 To discuss arrangement for the combined Councillor and District Councillor surgery and consider any actions
Cllr. Carless was not at the meeting and no actions were agreed. However, Cllr. Huddlestone raised the idea of inviting other organisations, of use to the parish to attend. Cllr. Huddlestone was asked to consider which organisations could be of benefit to the village and to report back. Cllr. Carless would be briefed about the suggestion following the meeting.
Item 48/6/24 Community Orchard to receive general updates
The orchard was doing well, and the contractor had strimmed around the fruit trees. The ‘free trees’ from the Woodland Trust would be arriving in November. Clearance of the area might be needed prior to planting and the contractor could be asked to keep the area maintained once cleared. Cllr. Alexander offered to strim around the newly planted trees after planting. Councillors were asked to begin considering an action plan for future management of the Orchard site.
Item 49/6/24 To receive any updates about the Pinfold to include landscaping if applicable
It was reported that Cllr. Alexander’s landscaping of the verge had alleviated the damage to the verge at the Pinfold. Cllr. Alexander was thanked for his work. Further bedding plants were needed and Cllrs. Alexander and R. Walker would purchase these from the garden centre.
Item 50/6/24 Employment Matters
The clerk’s report evaluating the reasons for the collapse of the Employment committee and recommendations going forward were received and noted. Following discussion, the Council voted upon and unanimously RESOLVED the following:
The Employment committee would not be reformed • To decline the offer of training from LALC • To discuss employment matters at the end of a Full Council meeting,
The clerk advised it would be best practice to establish an Employment committee, and it would be advisable to seek HR advice from an independent provider or LALC as the clerk would be excluded from this part of the meeting. The meeting should be properly publicised and anonymised minutes published on noticeboards and the Council’s website.
Item 51/6/24 Free training on the Code of Conduct and Standards offered by WLDC in person and on teams
Clerk recommended Councillors take advantage of the free training offered by WLDC. Three dates were available: 10th July 6pm (Teams), 11th July 2pm (Guildhall, Gains.) and 17th July 11.40am (Teams). Places could be booked via the clerk.
Item 52/6/24 To hear any reports from the Village Hall Management Committee (Cllr. S. Walker) •
A member of the Village Hall Management Committee (VHMC) spoke during the public session about the financial difficulties faced by the Village Hall. The VHMC were asked to submit a detailed project proposal with projected costs covering a 5-year period. This would enable the Council to begin proper financial planning and consider risk assessments, including consideration of available sources of funding through grants or borrowing, which could include an increase in the precept. • Bookings had been taken for a new sewing class.
Item 53/6/24 Planning matters – Information only • Application 147921extensions and external alterations 3 Crapple Lane, Scotton DN21 3QT Decision pending. • Application 145041- Granted permission 27.06.22 Description: Planning application for change, the use of part of an arable field into a wildlife and private fishing pond. Location: Land off, Scotter Road, Scotton, Gainsborough, Lincolnshire, DN21 3QU No further updates.
• Application 140545 – Plot 9, south of Eastgate Scotton DN21 3QR Approval of reserved matters for the erection of 1no. dwelling and detached garage with annex accommodation, considering appearance, landscaping, layout, and scale – following outline permission 139520 granted 16.01.20. Under investigation.
All planning applications are available on the WLDC website at: - Planning | West Lindsey District Council (west-lindsey.gov.uk) WLDC may reach a decision on listed applications following the issue of the agenda. The council may subsequently discuss these decisions during the meeting
Item 54/6/24 Parish Councillors Reports – Information Only
• Concerns were raised about speeding on Scotter Road and the legally allowed limit of 60mph on this stretch of highway.
• Photos taken by Cllr. Alexander of rusted directional signs had been forwarded to LCC Highways for investigation.
Item 55/6/24 Date of next meeting
The date of the next meeting was rearranged to Friday 28th June at 6pm, due to the General Election on 4th July 2024.
The meeting closed at 7.00pm