June 2022
Present: Councillors R. Walker (Chairman), S. Walker, A. Ramsay, and R. Littlewood
In attendance: Leticia Cooper (Clerk & RFO)
There was one member of the public.
The chairman opened the meeting at 6.00pm.
Item 037/6/22 Chairman’s welcoming remarks
The chairman opened the meeting with the public forum. There were no comments.
Item 038/6/22 To receive apologies and reasons for absence
It was voted upon and unanimously RESOLVED to accept apologies from Cllr’s. J. & A. Robinson, and to grant retrospective approval to Cllr. R. Littlewood for absence at the previous meeting, due to Covid.
The chairman sought approval to discuss the Co-option before all other business. It was voted upon and unanimously RESOLVED to move to the Co-option item.
Item 038b/6/22 To receive written applications for the office of Parish Councillor and to Co-opt a candidate to fill the existing vacancy
One application was received to fill the vacancy from Dr. M. Johnson. Following discussion, it was voted upon and unanimously RESOLVED to Co-opt Dr. Johnson to the Council. Cllr. Johnson was invited to join the Council table and the Acceptance of office was signed.
Item 039/6/22 Disclosure of interests in accordance with the Localism Act 2011 and consider any requests for dispensation
There were none.
Item 040/6/22 To receive and approve the notes of the meeting on 5th May 2022
It was voted upon and unanimously RESOLVED to accept the notes as a correct record and signed as Minutes.
Item 041/6/22 Audit 2021-22
a) The Annual Internal Audit 2021-22 report was received and noted.
b) The statements in section 1 of the Annual Governance Statements, were read aloud during the meeting. It was subsequently voted upon and unanimously RESOLVED to approve each statement and the form was signed.
c) Section 2 of the Annual Governance Statement was considered, voted upon and it was unanimously RESOLVED to accept and sign the form.
d) The explanation of variance 2021-22 report was considered. It was voted upon and unanimously RESOLVED to approve the report.
e) It was voted upon and unanimously RESOLVED to approve the end of year bank reconciliation for 2021-22.
Item 042/6/22 Finance
a) The financial reports were considered.
b) Grass cutting: There had been an additional cut at the T-Junction of Middle Street and Westgate, to improve visibility for vehicles and pedestrians. Photos of the area, before and after were circulated to the members prior to the meeting. It was voted upon and unanimously RESOLVED to give retrospective approval for the additional cut and accept the additional costs.
It was voted upon and unanimously RESOLVED to approve expenses for June of £1,295.57, as detailed below:
Clerk’s salary - June (paid by Standing Order)
Clerk’s mileage £19.35 (Bacs payment via 2-step authorisation)
Printing costs £9.99 (paid by Direct debit)
Annual Council Insurance £207.48 (Bacs payment by telephone banking)
Clive Williams – grass cutting £180.00 + additional £10 totalling: £190.00 (paid by Bacs payment via 2-step authorisation)
Queen’s Jubilee Benches Project - Winawood Sandwick 3 seater bench Queen’s Jubilee Benches project £560.40 (paid by Ron Walker using named Debit card)
Audit fee - £20.00 (Bacs payment by telephone banking)
Item 043/6/22 To note, review and approve the following policies:
Risk Assessment Register
Asset Register
Code of Conduct 2021-22
It was voted upon and unanimously RESOLVED to approve all policies.
Item 044/6/22 Eastgate Development
Following the letter of complaint sent to Andy Gray at Enforcement, West Lindsey District Council (WLDC), about the perceived breaches of the Unilateral Undertaking (UU), between AF Developments and WLDC, an email response had been received on 19th May 2022. The clerk’s report discussing the response was noted during the meeting. Cllr. R. Walker had drafted a reply to the email which had been circulated prior to the meeting.
Councillors were invited to review the draft response and comment on the issues raised. It was considered that the following had not been satisfactorily answered:
- Working hours had been breached according to the ‘Working’ clause in UU and this had not been addressed by Mr. Gray.
- The road design appeared to have been sanctioned before revised plans had been submitted and circulated to consultees. It transpired that Ian Elliott, WLDC Planning had suggested the Council report this to Enforcement when the Parish Council first noted it.
- There were continuing safety concerns over the new pavement design.
Additionally, it was noted that,
- The UU agreement stipulated that ‘services’ to the site should be of a standard to enable self-build to start, partly to prevent disruption to local residents. It appeared that service connections and building work were happening simultaneously resulting in piecemeal road closures resulting in a high level of disruption to local residents.
- Plot 9 was not correctly positioned. (This was currently being considered by Enforcement).
Cllr. R. Walker invited any amendments or clarifications for inclusion in the draft, which should be sent to him by Tuesday 14th June. It was voted upon and unanimously RESOLVED to accept the draft letter, with the option to incorporate amendments or clarifications supporting the points discussed, if received by the stipulated date.
Item 045/6/22 Queen’s Jubilee Benches Project
a. Community Orchard bench:-
The Winawood Sandwick 3-seater recycled bench had been delivered and Cllr. A. Ramsay had placed it in the orchard.
Village Hall bench:-
Following discussion with the Village Hall Management Committee, it was suggested that a short path leading from the play park to the bench would improve accessibility for users. The bench would be fixed to a strong, concrete base facing the church. Cllr. R. Walker confirmed the make and style of the bench and asked for approval to arrange purchase and installation, in the next phase of the project. Permission was also asked to purchase two plaques, to be inscribed and attached to the benches. It was voted upon and unanimously RESOLVED to approve the make and model of the proposed bench and to allow for the inscription and purchase of two plaques.
Cllr. R. Walker discussed the quotations received for work to create the path and base for the bench. Following a full discussion of requirements, it was voted upon and unanimously RESOLVED to accept the quote from Darren Saxby for £355.00. Cllr. R. Walker to consult with Mr Saxby and arrange a start date.
Social Value Volunteering Days:-
An email from Cllr. C. Perraton-Williams had been received asking for nominations for the ‘Social Value Volunteering’ programme. This offered the opportunity to make use of trained personnel from the building and Highway sector to work on short-term projects. Labour costs were offered free of charge with the Council providing the materials needed for the project. Following discussion, it was agreed not to suggest the benches project but to consider if a nomination might be entered for remedial work to Beck Lane. Cllr. R. Walker to investigate further.
b) The budget report was noted. The cost of the proposed bench had risen since prices were obtained and together with fixtures could cost approximately £500.00. It was advised that the current budget for the project might be exceeded, but there would be further discussion and planning before purchase of the final bench, where this could be considered fully.
Item 046/6/22 New bench installation at Westgate
The base had been laid and bench installed at Westgate and would be placed on the Asset Register.
Item 047/6/22 Village Maintenance
a) Retrospective approval had been given for the additional work to clear vegetation at the junction of Westgate and Middle Street to improve visibility for pedestrians and motorists.
b) The visibility at the junction of Westgate and High Street was discussed and led on to a general discussion about visibility at other junctions in the village. The directional signs into the village should be maintained by the Council, as these were part of the areas designated in the Parish Agreement. Councillors were encouraged to evaluate the visibility at junctions of the village for discussion at the next meeting.
It was noted that numerous entry roads into the village; coupled with a high number of junctions required care, and speeding created a danger to motorists who might be unaware of tight turns and narrow lanes, which could be difficult to navigate at increased speeds. Cllr. R. Walker suggested the Council should continue to investigate the Twenty’s Plenty campaign. Clerk to consult with Cllr. L. Rollings.
c) Update on Parish Agreement
Lincolnshire County Council (LCC) did not raise purchase orders for payment of invoices until the end of August or early September, therefore, any payments would not be made until early to mid-Autumn.
Item 048/6/22 Replacement of the plaque near the Jubilee Tree
a) There was a discussion about the options available for replacement of the plaque, and it was agreed that residents should be given the opportunity to make suggestions and comment about any proposals. The proposals were:-
- To install an information board to replace the plaque which would juxtapose information from the Victorian era and the reign of Queen Elizabeth II. (Information on a proposed board had been circulated prior to the meeting).
- To fix a replacement plaque to the tree surround, demolishing part, or all the existing brick structure, in front of the newly planted tree. (Permission should be sought from LCC to site the plaque on the surround).
- Cllr. S. Walker suggested arranging a poll on social media.
b) Discussion about a preliminary budget was deferred until a course of action was decided.
c) Cllr. S. Walker was nominated as lead councillor for the project. It was voted upon and unanimously RESOLVED to create a poll on social media to canvass opinions on the proposals discussed.
Item 049/6/22 To hear any updates about the refurbishment of the book kiosk and agree any actions
Cllr. R. Walker commented that an additional notice asking for books not to be placed on the floor of the kiosk had been put up and that existing stock had been checked. The clerk was in contact with another Council, which had recently renovated their kiosk to enquire about suppliers and general information. Due to the absence of the lead Councillor A. Robinson, actions were deferred until the next meeting.
Item 050/6/22 Allotment and Community Orchard
a) Cllr. R. Walker advised that wild flowers had been sown. Cllr. A. Ramsay had kindly offered to cut the grass.
b) A request for an additional plaque had been received but there were no further details to date.
Item 051/6/22 To discuss training options and consider any actions
a) Cllr. M. Johnson expressed interest in attending the new councillor training day on 29th June 2022. Clerk to book place.
b) It was voted upon and unanimously RESOLVED to allow the clerk to attend the LALC Annual Networking Day on 6th July 2022.
Item 052/6/22 To hear any updates on the Speed Indicator Device
Deferred to the next meeting due to the absence of lead Councillor J. Robinson.
Item 053/6/22 To hear any reports from the Village Hall Management Committee
- Planning permission had been submitted for a change of use on the tennis courts.
- Complaints had been received about the inside of the Village Hall. Additional cleaning had been conducted removing all cobwebs. The kitchen was reorganised, and unused equipment taken to the tip. There were plans to repaint the toilets.
- The committee were aware of leaks in the roofing but had been unable to obtain a quote for repairs due to the presence of asbestos in the ceiling.
- Picnic in the park would take place on 25th June 2022.
Item 054/6/22 Planning applications
a) Decisions pending
- 144232 Land south of Eastgate DN21 3QR
b) Appeal decisions
- Bleak Farm Northorpe Road DN21 3RB
Appeal heard 4th May 2022. Dismissed.
c) Applications determined
- 144558 Plot 8 Land south of Eastgate DN21 3QR
Granted time limits + conditions 28th April 2022
Item 055/6/22 Parish Councillors’ Report – Information only
There were none.
Item 056/6/22 Date of next meeting
7th July 2022 at 6pm
The meeting closed at 7pm.