November 2020 Minutes
Present: Councillors R. Walker (Chairman), R. Littlewood (Vice-chairman), P. Kulleseid, J. Robinson, A. Robinson, R. Ramsay, and A. Ramsay
In attendance: Cllr. L. Clews, Cllr. M. Snee, Cllr. C. Perraton-Williams, Leticia Cooper (Clerk & RFO) and 1 member of the public.
The meeting began at 6pm with the public forum.
The Chairman read out a question from a member of the public enquiring if it would be possible to tidy the green areas of the village in the foreseeable future. The chairman said that a litter pick would be arranged when it was possible to arrange public events.
Cllr. Snee mentioned training she had recently attended on planning and expressed her awareness of speeding within and around the roads in the village. Additionally, how road works had resulted in Scotton being used as a through route causing congestion and speeding in the village and surrounding roads.
The police report was briefly discussed.
76/20 Chairman’s welcoming remarks with a brief explanation of remote meeting protocol
The chairman welcomed all to the meeting.
77/20 To receive apologies and reasons given
There were none.
78/20 Disclosure of interests in accordance with the Localism Act 2011 and to consider any requests for dispensations.
Cllr. R. Ramsay applied for dispensation.
78/20a To resolve to accept Cllr. Ramsay’s application for dispensation regarding allotment matters
It was RESOLVED to accept Cllr. Ramsay’s request for dispensation.
79/20 To receive and approve the notes of the Parish meeting on 3rd September 2020
It was RESOLVED that notes be approved as a correct record and signed as Minutes.
80/20 To approve the following policies:
a) Donation and Grants policy 2020-21
b) Remote working policy 2020-21
c) Standing Orders 2020-21
It was RESOLVED to approve all 3 policies.
81/20 Budget matters
a) To note preliminary budget report and discuss budget requirements for 2021-22
Grants and Donations budget 2021-22
The current budget allocated for funding grants and donations was discussed. It was RESOLVED to stay with the current budget of £2,500.
To consider setting a nominal amount for unforeseen miscellaneous expenditure arising 2020-21
A budget was created for unforeseen miscellaneous expenses.
To consider the training budget for Clerk’s professional development
The budget put forward was accepted.
Costs of installing and purchasing SID signs
This was deferred until agenda item 11c.
Election costs
Funds to cover election costs had been placed in the reserve account and would not need to be included in next year’s budget planning.
Staff costs
It was proposed to award the Clerk a 2% wage increase.
b) To consider grant requests
Application forms and associated documents were received from Scotton Parochial Church Council and Scotton Village Hall. Information was circulated to all Councillors before the meeting.
i) Scotton Parochial Church Council (SPCC)
Scotton Parochial Church Council applied for a grant of £900.00 to cover maintenance of the church burial ground. It was RESOLVED to award SPCC the full grant under s137.
ii) Scotton Village Hall
Scotton Village Hall applied for a grant of £2,500.00 to be used for the playground. It was RESOLVED to award the Village Hall £1,600.00 under LGA 1972 s133.
c) To agree the preliminary budget for 2021-22
It was RESOLVED to accept the draft preliminary budget with the adjustments noted.
d) To discuss and approve precept estimate for 2021-22
All Councillors wished to avoid an increase in the precept and it was RESOLVED to keep the precept at £10,500. The Chairman signed the precept form.
ACTION: Clerk to email signed precept form to West Lindsey District Council.
[Cllr. A. Ramsay joined the meeting at 6.26pm]
82/20 Financial Matters
a) To ratify all decisions RESOLVED and approved by the Council at the meeting of 2nd July 2020.
These were duly ratified and approved.
b) To note the Financial report for November 2020
The report was noted.
i) To discuss recommendations for Village Maintenance and agree way forward
The Clerk raised the possibility that the budget for Village Maintenance could be exceeded by a large margin if projected figures to year end were realised. There was a brief discussion, and it was suggested that during the winter months work could be reduced or halted until Spring as vegetation was naturally dying back. It was agreed to monitor the situation closely and return the matter for discussion at the next meeting.
c) To resolve to accept and sign the quarterly bank reconciliation
It was RESOLVED to accept the bank reconciliation and it was duly signed by the Chairman.
d) To authorise agreed expenditure for October and November
A schedule of payments was circulated before the meeting. It was RESOLVED to approve the following payments:
29.09.20 |
Clive Williams |
120.00 |
Village maintenance August |
Leticia Cooper |
240.00 |
Salary October |
14.31 |
Expenses: stamps, printing, and phone top up |
21.10.20 |
Information Commissioner |
40.00 |
ICO Certificate |
60.00 |
Zoom subscription |
Clive Williams |
220.00 |
Village maintenance September |
R B Ramsay & sons Ltd |
480.00 |
Ditch clearance Allotment site |
Leticia Cooper |
240.00 |
Salary November |
Leticia Cooper |
5.18 |
Expenses – postage & printing |
e) To authorise retrospective payment to LALC and the expected invoice for Intellitech Services Ltd when received
It was RESOLVED to authorise the retrospective payment to LALC and to allow the Clerk to pay the invoice to Intellitech Services prior to the next meeting.
83/20 Planning Matters
a) To ratify recommendations or observations made during lockdown on the following planning applications April to October 2020 and to note responses
i) Plot 7, Land South of Eastgate Scotton DN21 3QR - 140579 Objections sent.
ii) Plot 7, Land South of Eastgate Scotton DN21 3QR - 140918 Objections sent.
iii) Land adj. to Sal Don, 30 Crapple Lane Scotton DN21 3QT - 141019 Objections sent. Applicant appealed decision. Council sent objections to Secretary of state for Housing, Communities and Local Government. Appeal dismissed 14.08.20
iv) 16 Westgate, Scotton DN21 3QX – 141153 Objections sent.
Withdrawn by applicant.
v) Plot 4, Land south of Eastgate, Scotton DN21 3QR - 141524 Objections sent.
vi) Plot 6, Land south of Eastgate, Scotton DN21 3QR - 141546 Objections sent.
vii) Plot 2, Land south of Eastgate, Scotton DN21 3QR - 141602 Objections sent.
viii) Land of Middle street, Scotton DN21 3RA - 141637 Objections sent.
ix) 20 Northorpe Road, Scotton DN21 3RB - 141656 No objections or comments made.
All planning applications were noted, and the decisions reached by the Planning department were acknowledged. It was RESOLVED to accept all comments and objections made by the Council for the applications listed.
84/20 Update on Scotton Neighbourhood Plan
a) To note the clerk’s report
The Clerk’s report was noted and discussed. The secretary of the ex-Steering Group had replied to the Clerk’s request for a breakdown of expenditure for the final grant of £5,700 awarded during the tenure of the previous Council. It was stated that the group were unable to provide any financial information for expenditure as they had not kept any financial records. Furthermore, expenditure was recorded by the previous Council. It was agreed that little more could be done at this juncture to further enquiries. Therefore, the Council wish to minute that responsibility for information that is lacking or not evidenced during the tenure of the previous Council, cannot be accepted by the present council, who inherited the plan when it was near completion. An end of grant report was submitted in July 2020 by the Clerk and accepted by Groundwork. The grant has been officially closed and records will be kept for the required period.
b) To discuss further work or action on the Plan
It was agreed not to take any further action for the time being but to keep contacts details of the Neighbour Planning Champion, should further advice be needed going forward to the referendum.
[6.47pm Cllr. R. Ramsay joined the meeting at this point]
85/20 Allotment Matters
a) Update on allotment holder requested to quit allotment holding
Notice to Quit had been sent and the allotment holder had vacated by the date requested.
b) To discuss options for the vacant site with due consideration of allotment laws
It was suggested that the vacant plot could be converted into a Community garden or Orchard. Grants were available for work towards environmental and community projects. The Clerk stated that Severn Trent were awarding grants to groups for environmental work, especially those that were beneficial to drainage and management of waterways. Discussion turned towards the types of indigenous plants that could be introduced that would tolerate the soil conditions.
The clerk advised that the Council would need to apply to the Secretary of State should it wish to change the use of the allotment into a nature reserve or green space. It was agreed to investigate options further and discuss at the next meeting.
ACTION: Clerk to obtain further information about the grant from Severn Trent.
86/20 Environmental Matters
a) Update on Jubilee Tree
Cllr. R. Ramsay was seeking estimates for the removal of the tree and would report to the Council when this was completed.
b) To discuss condition of water flow in the Beck and any actions that may be required 2021-22
It was noted that Scotter Parish Council had been doing some work on this and it would be useful to find out what had been done. It was suggested that joint action by both villages could be of benefit. Cllr. Clews suggested contacting Cllr. Rollings who had attended meetings with Scotter Parish Council and the drainage board.
ACTION: Clerk to contact Scotter Parish Council and Cllr. Rollings.
c) Update on Speed Indicator Devices
Cllr. Clew and Cllr. Snee discussed the Councillor initiative scheme and advised that some funding remained for the financial year. The Parish was encouraged to apply for a grant towards the costs of purchasing SID signs.
ACTION: Cllr. J. Robinson to follow this up.
87/20 To note Clerk’s report on the Website Accessibility Regulations
The Clerk’s report was noted.
88/20 To approve meeting dates for 2021
It was RESOLVED to approve meeting dates for 2021.
[6.53pm Cllr. C. Perraton-Williams joined the meeting at this point.]
89/20 Future agenda items
- Dog fouling in the village.
- State of footpath from the Three Horseshoes towards Westgate.
Cllr. Perraton-Williams interjected that she would raise this with the Highway Dept. at the County Council. Cllr. Snee suggested using Fix my Street Lincolnshire to report the issue as photographs could be uploaded onto the site with the report.
The chairman indicated that he would complete a report on Fix my street and upload photographs.
90/20 Date of next meeting
The date of the next meeting was proposed for January 2021.
The meeting closed at 7.00pm.