March 2020 Minutes (23rd)

Scotton Parish Council


Minutes Of The Extraordinary Meeting Of The Parish Council Held On Monday 23rd March At 6pm At The Village Hall, Northorpe Road, Scotton Dn21 2rb


Present: Councillors R. Walker (Chairman), R. Littlewood (Vice-chairman), J. Robinson, A. Robinson, Leticia Cooper (Parish Clerk) There were no members of the public at the meeting.


043/20 To receive and accept apologies for absence Apologies were received and accepted from Cllrs. Kulleseid, R. Ramsay and A. Ramsay.


044/20 To receive declaration of interests in accordance with the requirements of the Localism Act 2011 and to consider any requests for dispensations There were none.


045/20 To receive and approve the notes of the Full Parish meeting held on 5th March 2020 Unanimously Resolved that the above notes be approved as a correct record and signed as Minutes.


046/20 Strategic planning regarding COVID-19 pandemic

a) To approve amended Standing Orders Section 27 ‘Emergency Procedures’ It was Resolved to approve the amended Standing Orders.

b) To approve Emergency Procedures Policy It was Resolved to approve the Emergency Procedures Policy.


047/20 Finance

a) To approve virement of funds from reserves to pay for work on Jubilee tree and SID signs. It was Resolved to approve transfer of funds from reserves as needed, if funds were unavailable from the current year’s budget. Cllr. J. Robinson indicated that work on the SiDs project may be postponed until quarantine restrictions were lifted. Cllr. Ramsay would continue with actioning work on the Jubilee tree but progress could be delayed due to the pandemic.

b) To approve regular accounts for payment It was Resolved to approve the regular monthly payments: - Clerk’s wage and expenses.

c) To approve incoming invoices for payment It was Resolved to approve the following incoming payments: -

Tree Generation, (Survey of Jubilee tree) - £180.00

LALC Financial Management training (for the Clerk) - £34.20


048/20 To Resolve to certify the Council as exempt from a limited assurance review due to qualifying as a smaller authority with neither income nor expenditure of £25,000 It was Resolved to certify the Parish Council as exempt from a limited assurance review for reasons given.


049/20 Clerk’s Items The Parish Council meetings in April, May and June would need to be cancelled and any other meetings postponed until further notice. The Chairman and Vice-chairman should stay in post, until the Parish Council were able to meet normally again.


050/20 Chairman’s Items - The Clerk’s increase in working hours and wages, included in the agreed November budget would take effect in the new financial year. - There had been a rapid response to the pandemic from Councillors and residents of the Parish. All Parish residents had received an information leaflet with details of volunteers, who would be available to help residents in need, before the time of this meeting. It was hoped volunteers would continue to remain active after the pandemic, with the possibility of forming a ‘Good Neighbour’ scheme. - It was likely that the litter picking event would be cancelled, as would the Summer Fete. It was suggested that a village event could be arranged at the end of the pandemic, perhaps a Community picnic . - The Emergency Procedures would be activated following the meeting and all Councillors were reminded to check their emails regularly, as some decisions would be reached over email as detailed in the Emergency Procedures..


051/20 Date of next meeting All meetings were cancelled for 3 months. Next meeting is to be confirmed.


There being no further business the meeting ended at 6.10pm