March 2020 Agenda EOM (23rd)

Scotton Parish Council


Mrs L Cooper - Clerk to the Council Tel: 07891 743191 Email:


18th March 2020

Dear Councillor, You are hereby summoned to attend the Extraordinary Meeting of Scotton Parish Council to be held at the Village Hall, Northorpe Road, Scotton on 23rd March 2020 at 6.00pm.

Leticia Cooper

Clerk to the Council


Members of the public are invited and welcome to attend the whole meeting, except for items where their presence is prejudicial to the public interest, and are permitted to make representations to the Council, answer questions and give evidence (up to 3 mins per person/subject) in respect of any item of public business listed on the agenda during the public session, which is normally 15 minutes before the start of the meeting. The meeting may only consider the business on the agenda; the Agenda and Minutes for the Parish Council Meetings are available on the Parish Notice Board, or from the Clerk, or on the website.




1. To receive apologies and reasons given


2. Disclosure of interests in accordance with the Localism Act 2011 and to consider any requests for dispensations (Declaration of any disclosable interest in a matter to be discussed at the meeting and which is not included in the register of interests. Members are reminded that they are required to leave the room during the discussion and voting on matters in which they have a disclosable pecuniary interest, whether or not the interest is entered in the register of members’ interests maintained by the Monitoring Officer)


3. To receive and approve the notes of the meeting held 5th March 2020


4. Strategic planning regarding COVID-19 pandemic a) To approve amended Standing Orders section 27 Emergency Procedures b) To approve Emergency Procedures policy


5. Finance

a) To approve virement of funds from reserves to pay for work on Jubilee Tree and SID signs

b) To approve regular accounts for payment

c) To approve other accounts for payment


6. To resolve to certify the Council as exempt from a limited assurance review due to qualifying as a smaller authority with neither income nor expenditure of £25,000


7. Clerks items


 8. Chairman’s items


9. Date of next meeting 2nd April 2020


Leticia Cooper Clerk to the Council 18.03.20