Help for residents effected by recent flooding

Notice from West Lidsey District Council

Residents who suffered internal flooding in the recent severe weather may be entitled to a Community Recovery Grant of up to £500 if;
- Flood water entered habitable areas of the residence (garages, outbuildings and gardens do not qualify; or
- Flood water did not enter the habitable areas, but the local authority regards that the residence was otherwise considered unliveable for any period of time; and
- Only properties flooded between 8th and 18th November qualify.
Eligible households must be primary residences. Second homes and empty homes are not eligible.
Residents may also qualify for the Council Tax Discount Scheme. Householders may claim up to 100% discount for a minimum of 3 months, or whilst anyone is unable to return home if longer, for primary residences as a result of the relevant weather event:
- Flood water entered the habitable areas; or,
- Flood water did not enter the habitable areas, but the local authority regards that the residence was otherwise considered unliveable for any period of time.
There are other grants viable dependent on individual circumstances. If you are aware of any residents who may be entitled, please encourage them to get in touch with us using the contact details within the letter.
Businesses may be eligible for a Business Recovery Grant of up to £2,500. In order to qualify small and medium size enterprises must be able to show they have been directly or indirectly affected by this severe weather event. Also, businesses may qualify for discounts on their rates via the Business Rates Relief Scheme.
Terms and Conditions apply to all the above schemes; please contact us for further details.
In addition, on the 19th November the Government announced that it is making funding available to allow district and unitary councils to run local Property Flood Resilience Recovery Grant Schemes. Flood-hit homes and businesses will be able to receive up to £5,000 to help them make changes which will reduce damage levels should flooding reoccur. Strict terms and conditions apply, residents should contact us for further details.
Finally, the Association of British Insurers is concerned about misinformation regarding the use of loss assessors and Claims Management Companies (CMCs). Residents are advised to seek guidance using the following link;
In summary, please call our Customer Service Team on 01427 676676 to discuss the Community Recovery Grant, Business Recovery Grant, Council Tax Discount, Business Rates Relief and the Property Flood Resilience Grant Scheme.

Published: Sunday, 1st December 2019