2024 Calendar of Parish Council Meetings

These are the dates of the Parish Council meetings for 2024. The meetings are open to the public and will usually begin at 6pm every 1st Thursday of the month, unless otherwise indicated.

4th January Full Parish Meeting
1 st February Full Parish Meeting
7th March Annual Meeting /Assembly of the Parish* 6PM followed by Full Parish meeting at 6.30pm
4th April Full Parish Meeting 
3rd May  Annual Meeting of the Council**  Please note this meeting falls on a FRIDAY
6th June Full Parish Meeting
 *28th JUNE* Full Parish Meeting - Due to the General Election on 4th July 2024. The meeting in July has been rescheduled to FRIDAY 28th JUNE 2024
5th September Full Parish Meeting
3rd October Full Parish Meeting
7th November  Full Parish Meeting
5th December Full Parish Meeting

*Annual Parish Meeting – This meeting is held between 1st March and 1st June (Local Government Act 1972 sch.12 para.14).  This is an opportunity for the Council to talk about what it has been working on and to hear questions or concerns from local residents.  Decisions cannot be made at this meeting as it is not a Council meeting.

**Annual Meeting of the Council – This is held in May except in an election year when it must take place on or within 14 days of the day on which the elected Councillors take office (Local Government Act 1972 sch.12 para 7).  The first order of business at this meeting is to elect a chairman.